What are the symptoms of a Subluxation?

Subluxations of the spinal column may produce many symptoms. The most common problem is pain. Animals in pain will compensate in gait or posture and may resist or refuse to perform. Compensatory movements may cause other problem such as added stress on joints. The following is a list of symptoms that may indicate pain from a subluxation.

  1. Abnormal and varying posture when standing
  2. Discomfort when saddling
  3. Discomfort when riding
  4. Evasions such as extending head and neck or hollowing back
  5. Wringing tail and pinning ears
  6. Refusal or unwillingness over jumps
  7. Refusal or resistance in performance such as lateral or collected movements
  8. Development of unusual behavior patterns
  9. Facial expression of apprehension or pain
  10. Sensitivity
  11. Stiffness, resistance to move

Subluxations may cause changes in muscle coordination and flexibility that affects the performance ability of the horse or dog.

These symptoms may be:

  1. Lack of coordination in gaits
  2. Clnusual, perhaps indefinable gait abnormalities which var from limb to limb and change depending on gait
  3. Stiffness when coming out of stall
  4. Stiffness in lateral movements of neck or back
  5. Muscle atrophy
  6. Shortened stride in one or two limbs
  7. Inability to engage rear quarters
  8. Inability to lengthen top line
  9. Improper frame
  10. Decreased stride length
  11. Difficulty flexing at the poll
  12. Lameness
  13. On line or pulling on one rein
  14. Rider cannot sit centered on horse
  15. Not using the back in movement (leg movers)

Subluxations may cause problems in the nerves that supply other cells such as those of the skin, glands, and blood vessels. Some of the symptoms that result may be:

  1. unusual body or tail rubbing
  2. increased sensitivity to heat or cold
  3. asymmetrical sweating or lack of sweating

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